Isle of Skye
Amidst the emerald greenery of Scotland lies the captivating Isle of Skye, an enchanting land that beckons photographers to explore its rugged terrain.
more info on bohemianjourneys.comFebruary 8 - 13, 2025Photo tours
Northern Spain
March 8 - 14, 2025
Uncover a breathtaking coastal haven in Northern Spain, boasting monumental cliffs, intimate pebble-filled coves, and an array of unique rock formations.
South Moravia
April 3 - 6, 2025
Shooting from the opposite hills with a telephoto lens to give the photographs a unique and dynamic perspective, you will be able to capture the fleeting moments of these locations because the...
October 4 - 8, 2025
Filled with national parks, some of the most jagged peaks on the face of the Earth and stunning alpine lakes with emerald-green waters, the Dolomites have been declared a UNESCO World Heritage site...